::The First Day::
When we finally got there (it was about a six hour drive down) it was about 11:30. We had lunch did some shopping, and then went to a county fair.
We got there kinda late, so the sun was almost about to set. Everything had this beautiful glow around it, and it made my job easier cause I hardly had to edit!
But when the sun finally did set, the whole fair came alive (not with the sound of music, that's totally different :D)
(Fun Fact: About two years ago my grandma let us try one of these games. Of course no one wants their grandchild to be unhappy so she just let us keep trying until we finally won a fish. Everyone thinks carnival fish die easily. HA. Um our fish are GIGANTIC and are alive still to this day two years later. A bit of advice, don't let your kid bring home a fish from the carnival.)
::The Next Day::
When we left the house to go to D.C. We were greeted by these birdies. They built their nest on my Aunt and Uncles flower basket, which they pass everyday to get in and out of their house, and they are perfectly fine with humans. So I had to take a picture of the birds!
One of the gardens near the Smithsonian Museums. We didn't go in at the time, I just liked how it looked as a picture :)
(Smithsonian Castle)
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
I LOVE butterflies. They had a butterfly exhibit and I literally squealed with excitement because I had my camera and limitless butterfly close up options! I love them. I think I took more pictures of butterflies than the whole museum!
I have been having like "editing visions". It's super weird. I will look at something and all of the sudden I am taking a picture of it and in my head I am thinking, "Hm that would look REALLY good in black and white with a few minor edits and maybe crop that..." like its super weird! I edit my photos mentally now! This one below was no exception and as soon as I saw this I knew exactly how I wanted it.
::Day... Three?::
Yup! Day three! It was supposed to rain that day. It drizzled on and off. Kinda sad weather. We were trying to figure out what we could do inside. Nothing. We couldn't do anything. So like the crazy family I have we got in the car and went to sight see. We went to the Capital Building and the Washington Monument. So much for staying inside huh? Haha but luckily it didn't rain!
And yeah that concludes all of my pictures from our weekend trip! I hope you enjoyed this EXTREMELY long post (sorry!). See you soon!
Lots of Love~
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